Using two previously entered values to populate a third (Robotics App)


I am developing a new version of an app for my high school robotics team. My older version has been working great, but figured I should upgrade it for the 22' season. 

I attached a screenshot below to illustrate what I am trying to do...Basically, I want other students to scan a qr or tap an NFC tag to populate the "alliance station". They then enter the match number. Based on those two values, the team number is populated. (example: Alliance Station "RED 1" for Match "54" is Team Number "254" (auto-populated)




** Also, I would love it if users didn't have to re-enter their name every time they fill out the form. (students often fill 30-50 of these per robotics competition). Any way to do this? I have this app set to a public app, because many students use the app, so we couldn't afford the per-user pricing that allows for sign-in. 


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Hi @surfnacho !  I know exactly what you are trying to achieve - a Scouting app for an FRC Robotics club.  I was a mentor on a team a couple of years ago and helped them with their Scouting app which we used for 2 years while I was there - #1729 Team Inconceivable!  It was an invaluable tool for those two seasons.

Where will you get the object to scan? Do your competitions provide you with encoded QR codes or NFC tags?  

Since Alliance and station assignments are not typically provided until the morning of the competition start and after all bots are checked-in, there really is no way to know how to pre-generate those QR codes or pre-encode a NFC tag.  Maybe things are more advanced for you there?

As for student assignment in a Public App...

the nature of a public app is that it doesn't know who the user is.  What you could do is create USERSETTINGS where each user sets their Name and/or any other details you need.  Those USERSETTINGS will stay set on that device until changed.  You can then use that information to assign to the match rows in the app.

By the way, if it helps,  AppSheet does provide Non-Profit discounts of 50%, or at least used to.

Feel free to reach out to me at

I can share details of how we created our Scouting app that may help you.

Thanks for your reply. I was pretty sure there would be some FRC people on here 🙂


You are right, the assignments aren't available until the morning of. But, there are only 6 possible stations. So, there would only be six qr codes, that I could make at any time. Then I just have to fill in the match schedule in once it is available. I understand that scanning a qr code to select 1 of 6 options seems unnecessary, but the goal is to cut down on double scouts. Kids often scout the same robot unknowingly, so I thought having a card that each scouter scans before each match, makes sure that they scout the right robot (assuming they enter the correct match number). Basically the match number and station determine the team/robot being scouted.


Maybe there is a better way to do this? I am open to suggestions. My goal is to have as much of this predetermined/auto-populated as possible




And, I will look into the USERSETTINGS (haven't seen this before). Also, we are taking advantage of the 50% off non-profit discount!



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