Valid If Problem

I have the following which is supposed to perform a valid_if check, only if the view is on one specific form. However it's performing it on other forms when it shouldn't 


    CONTEXT("View")="RF Out",          // Check if the context view is "RF Out"
        FILTER("Currently Signed Out", [User Barcode] = [_THISROW].[User Barcode])
    ),                                  // If yes, perform ISBLANK check
    ""                                  // If no, return an empty string


 I don't understand why. It should get false for the context view if, and therefore do no check.

It's performing this check on the RF In view, and saying it's not valid, but the idea is they cannot complete the form as the user barcode is in the list of already signed out devices, but they should be able to sign a device back in otherwise you end up in an endless loop

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Instead of returning a blank value for the FALSE condition in your IF(), just put TRUE and see if that fixes it for you.

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