Virtual Column to Format Enum List as Text String

Bronze 5
Bronze 5

Hi all. I'm working on an app with an automation that creates and emails a document. My business requirements include allowing a field on the application to have multiple selections (which is solvable with an EnumList). This field needs to show up on the document with commas after each value, the word "and" before the last value, and no comma after the last value (e.g. "John Brown, David Smith, and Susan Moore.")

My first thought was to create a virtual column to format this column into a text string, by using TEXT(). However, I'm not sure how exactly to build this expression to meet my needs. Looking for help on this expression or a better way of solving this issue. Thanks!

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TEXT( TOP( [enumlist] , COUNT([enumlist)-1 ) ) & ", and " & INDEX( [enumlist] , COUNT([enumlist]) )

View solution in original post


TEXT( TOP( [enumlist] , COUNT([enumlist)-1 ) ) & ", and " & INDEX( [enumlist] , COUNT([enumlist]) )

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