Virtual columns of duration type not showing in desktop UX


I've just added two virtual columns, of duration type to an app. They now show up fine in detail or slideshow view on a phone UX but are not showing when I go to look at the app on a desktop UX.

There's no show-if restraint on either virtual column and they are in the column order for the views in the UX settings for table,detail,slideshow views. They are also shown in the slices for the parent table.


They also show in form view on desktop and phone UX, but greyed obviously.

Any ideas?

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That's very odd. If you would save everything and sync it to see if that does anything for you. 

Please check throughly that you are clicking on the same things, sometimes a misplaced click will take you to very different places. 


Sometimes I have had virtual columns take a while to load into AppSheet and not be available for the first 30 minutes or so then they start to populate in their places after that. Typically a half hour, a save, and a sync will get it. Otherwise you may need to try deleting that column and entering it in again. Lastly make sure the formula is giving you what you intended it to. If you haven't already installed the AppSheet Toolbox, do that and try hitting the test button for the expression. 

AppSheet Toolbox, free chrome extension 



QREW Technologies

Hi @timsimpson 

You could try reloading your browser. You may have to do it twice.

Thanks Lynn. That didn't work in Chrome, which is what all the team here are using, but then I opened it in Safari and the VCs show fine. Any idea what's going on here and how to get chrome to recognise the two new VCs?

Sorted. It looks like Chrome requires that I clear all my site cookies for Appsheet. Do you know if this is a regular issue, if so, it's going to make it a nightmare each time I update any of our apps. It's not behaviour I've seen before and I've been working with Appsheet for over 4 years now. It feels like an Appsheet-Chrome bug.

I've found both the desktop app and the app editor can get wonky from time-to-time. When it happens, I do a hard reload (Shift+Ctrl+R).

In the desktop app, be careful to avoid using the browser's back button to navigate in your app. Doing so will definitely confuse things and can easily lead to problems.

Thanks for trying to help here @Steve  but it's happening again. I've another virtual column of type Number. It shows in the editor previews but when I try to view the desktop app, showing table view, it shows the column but there are no values showing and then in Detail view the column doesn't show at all.  I have no Show-If constraints on the column and it is in the UX column structure. I've cleared all cookies, updated and restarted Chrome, tried multiple 'hard refreshes' but it's still missing.  It's fine in Safari, but Chrome (mac) is again not happy. Any ideas?

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