autofill for users



How to do for each user of my application do not have to enter each time their first name etc. autofill? THANKS

0 6 115

Many Thanks


But is it possible to save the informations about my guest

in a formular 

that way they don't have to rewrite their name, first name, etc. each time



Yes. See the techniques we pointed you to.

In general:

  • Create a users table that includes user emails and any other information you need about each user.
  • Anywhere in your app that you need information from that table, you can get to it by starting with the USEREMAIL function.



I'm not sure I understand? I just wish that people who put their first or last name, it is kept Example if I write "Guillaume" for the first time The second time I write "Gu" and the system offers me "Guillaume"

Thank you so much for your Help

Probably not in the way you're imagining, which is essentially midway between the extremes that AppSheet essentially supports. Basically, the options are:

  • If the app knows the user because the user has authenticated then, using the techniques we pointed you to, you can accomplish far more than type-ahead completion.
  • Otherwise, there's no reliable way for the app to recognize the user.

In the second case, there are techniques that you could fiddle with for potential improvement at the margins or with tradeoffs regarding user privacy. Some techniques are likely only applicable if devices used to access the app are user-specific, and even depend on accessing the app via the AppSheet native app (i.e., not a web browser).

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