display message when user click edit form

Hi, All

I have a column namely Status (Enum) -> Ready / Back Order / Ex-Back Order.
I would like the user being reminded when clicking Edit button (in the "Back Order List" view) to change the Status from Back Order to Ex-Back Order.
Changing the Status will make the Picking Up Date editable.
I think of something like pop up message just before the user begin to edit / update the form. Is this possible in Appsheet?

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You might want to set the valid-if condition as something like,,

 [_THISROW_BEFORE].[Status]="Back Order",
 LIST("Ex-Back Order"),
 LIST("Ready","Back Order")

and see if it fits your requirements.


But the users will not get reminder or guidance once they click Edit button to update, about what they should do to continue / make the Picking Up Date editable.


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