filter user on related field

Hi guys ,

I haven't been able to find a logic to this problem for days.
I explain a problem .
i have an reservation app and this is a spec.

If i click on "seleziona camera" 


and i would like see this colum for user connect based on its reference ID.



 I try with usermail() but doen't work and i think error field.

how can I do ?

Thanks for your help. ๐Ÿ˜Š

0 4 131

I think you need to elaborate.

So you click on a Ref column's action, which takes you to the Detail view of the referenced record, right? Not sure how you got to the next part from there. And I don't even really understand this sentence:

i would like see this colum for user connect based on its reference ID.


I try with usermail() but doen't work and i think error field.

What exactly did you try? And what does "i think error field" mean? Was there an error, and if so what was it?



yes ... i explain .

i have a form with "refente ID" are a table of user role with field email,role and ID.


If i insert the reservation in a calendar and i view the field , i have the following screen.


If i click on "view ref" i see all refervation for that room but I would like to see only the reservations for that room and the connected user and not those of other contacts.

I hope I have explained well what I want to do.


I understand now.

I can think of at least 3 options:

  1. Create an action using LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW to view the records you want, in a separate view.
  2. Create a new Slice that filters reservation table by USEREMAIL(). Then a new VC that's a copy of the [Related...] VC, except pointing at the new Slice instead of the base table.
  3. Create a new VC that filters down the existing [Related...] VC, with a SELECT().

i have try with usermail() but i have that error



for filter field ref what can i use the function select() ?

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