how can i directly open "edit-form" when clicking on a row in table-view? (not "quick-edit")

in table-view  when clicking on row, first you get "detail view" after this you can click "edit" and then you get "edit form"


how can i achieve that when clicking on row in table-view i directly get "edit-form" of this row?

i know there is "quick-edit" feature but with "quick edit" feature on mobile device, you cannot see all collumns of table at a glance, especiall when ther are mulitple collums ...


thanks in advance for your help!

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Hi! yOU can.

You have to build an action from behaviour and the action should be chosen as follows-


Use linktorow expression to call the form View.


Then this action should be selected from the table view as follows-



View solution in original post

Hi shahappsheet,

thank you very much for your quick reply - i tested it out - with your hint i found out there is a way without creating an new action: in the behavior section of the table-view there is alredy an  action called "edit" - i only have to choose this one and it works perfect - thank you so much !!!




View solution in original post


Hi! yOU can.

You have to build an action from behaviour and the action should be chosen as follows-


Use linktorow expression to call the form View.


Then this action should be selected from the table view as follows-



Hi shahappsheet,

thank you very much for your quick reply - i tested it out - with your hint i found out there is a way without creating an new action: in the behavior section of the table-view there is alredy an  action called "edit" - i only have to choose this one and it works perfect - thank you so much !!!




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