picture background color

App uses black background.   A reference image has a transparent background, so everything looks normal when viewed in default display.   When a user selects the image to be viewed, it is displayed with a gray background and some of the text isn't easily readable due to lack of contrast.   I've tried multiple colors and nothing seems to contrast well with either black AND gray, that looks appropriate in the app.

Is there a way to control the background color (gray) when selecting an image to view?   My preference would be for it to remain transparent or black.

0 2 151
  • UX

@jeffminder wrote:

Is there a way to control the background color (gray) when selecting an image to view?

AFAIK, no.

To control the background color when selecting an image in your app:

1. Check the documentation for your app's framework.
2. If using web technologies, apply CSS styles to the selected image container.
3. Adjust image processing logic to ensure a black or transparent background.
4. Implement dynamic styling based on the selected image.
5. Gather user feedback to refine default behavior or offer customization options.

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