"Require?" if "Show?" is checked, or "Require if Visible"

Simple question is there a way to trigger the โ€œrequireโ€ field off the value of the โ€œshowโ€ field. Iโ€™ve looked but cannot find anything on this topic.

I have a series of items that only pop up if the column before it had an input. So for a very simplified example.

Part 1 (visible by default)
Sale Price Part 1 (only visible if โ€œPart 1โ€ has input, and required if visible)
Part 2 (visible if โ€œSale Price Part 1โ€ has an input)
Sale Price Part 2 (only visible if โ€œPart 2โ€ has input, and required if visible)
Part 3 (visible if โ€œSale Price Part 2โ€ has an input)
Sale Price Part 3 (only visible if โ€œPart 3โ€ has input, and required if visible)

I have a full series of these inputs and itโ€™s enough of a pain to modify the formula for just the โ€œShowโ€ value. If I can just have a formula that is universal for the โ€œRequireโ€ value I can just go down the rows and paste something like [Value_of_show_this_column] or โ€œIF(SHOW=TRUE,TRUE,FALSE)โ€

What say you all?

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Platinum 4
Platinum 4

As I recall, AppSheet does not enforce Required? if the column is not shown.

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Platinum 4
Platinum 4

As I recall, AppSheet does not enforce Required? if the column is not shown.

I will testโ€ฆ but you may have the GOLD star of the day award Sir. Thank you muchly.

Rather than using an ambiguous visible status, I advise using ISNOTBLANK([ColumnName]) for a *Required? conditional evaluation. Besides, I concur with @Steve that AppSheet does not enforce any validation if the column is hidden.

Trying to avoid a shifting formula with the whole [ColumnName] thing as I would need to revise it a bunch of times (the sheet is a bit of a monster). But @Steve might have it.

I do understand but AppSheet does not own something like a global variable that you can set for a whole table or column etc. Therefore you need to shift the expressions a bit. Otherway around might be setting a Virtual column of Y/N type with a generalized expression and then refer to this VCโ€™s value for the evaluation.

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