Close all Views

Bronze 5
Bronze 5


I couldn't find a post on this one, please correct me if I am wrong.

When editing the UI I open (and try to close) the different Views. However if I don't close them, the list grows long and messy.

I would love to see an option to close all open (Detailed views) of the View list and make it more orderly. Especially nice for long lists of Views. Thanks! 👍


Note to self; use the search bar more often...




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Gold 4
Gold 4

Welcome to the community!

Would you please post screenshots of what you are trying to do? Thanks.

Bronze 5
Bronze 5

Thank you! 🤗

When multiple of the Views are opened, navigating without closing  (all) views first is somewhat of a drag when you have a lot of views. An option to close all the detailed Views at once (in the View list) is my suggestion.

Within de detailed section of a View, you can hide the fields under its Group by using the Show/Hide expanded view option top right. At a higher level in the list of Views, the option is not available. 



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Schermafbeelding 2022-04-06 om 18.07.20.png