Help debugging "CONTEXT()" expressions

Currently, the editing interface will tell us if we misspell "context" in writing a context expression:

Screenshot 2022-11-20 at 12.24.44.png

However, if we type "CONTEXT" correctly, the platform OKs anything we put into quotations:

Screenshot 2022-11-20 at 12.22.07.png

I noticed this today because I wrote "context("View Type")=" when I should have written "context("ViewType")=".  I assumed that my context expression was OK because I didn't get an error.  My bad, of course, but it would be nice if the platform could look beyond the quotation marks in this case to identify the error.  While you're at it, an error for the part after the "=" sign would be nice too.  If, for example, I type context("ViewType")="Tables" it would be nice if the platform would tell me that "Tables" can't possible be the result of context("ViewType")= --> Do you mean "Table"?

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