Birthday App

I have two tables(sub sheets) in the sheet , First table’s name is Main Sheet and second table’s name is Sheet2 …Main sheet has 3 columns ID , Name and Birthdate and Sheet2 has ID , Name and Image URL …
I want to make bot which runs daily at 9 am everyday and checks for a birthday if anyone’s birthday has a birthday today and if anyone has birthday today then that bot should update the name and image url in the Sheet2…How can i do this please help with i m new to this …please help

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Should be pretty simple, I have outlined the steps below:

  1. Set up a new Bot and Event
  2. Change the event to Schedule, Daily @ 9am
  3. Turn on the for each row in table switch and choose the correct table.
  4. Set up the following filter condition: [Birth Date] = TODAY()
  5. Set up a new process within the Bot and change it to “Run a Data Action”
  6. Select the “Add New Rows” button and select the table to add the new Row to which would be Sheet 2.
  7. Select which rows you want to update in the new table, this can include data from your other table, for example, ID = [ID], Name = [Name].

Hope this helps.

Step 4 you suggested does not work because year does not match , I have used TEXT([Birth Date], “DD/MM”) = TEXT(TODAY(), “DD/MM”) this condition and have set up the bot as you told but data does not get added/updated to Sheet2…
What should i do?

Oh yeah, didnt think about the year!, probably a much easier way of doing this but you could have 4 virtual columns in your first table with the following formulas, DAY([Birthdate], MONTH([Birthdate]), DAY(TODAY()), MONTH(TODAY()), you can set these to hidden if you don’t want them to show in the main app. For ease lets just call the Virtual Columns Date 1, Date 2, Date 3 & Date 4.

Then the filter in step 4 should now read as follows:
AND([Date 1] = [Date 3], [Date 2] = [Date 4])

Silver 1
Silver 1

How about this:  Ifs(text([date],"ddmm")=text(today(),"ddmm"),"birthday")

Why there are two tables? What's the purpose of the Sheet2? What's the URL column for?

I mean, this is quite easy but it doesn't make sense to add the same user with it's ID to another table, it's weird from a RDB perspective

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