One To Many Relationship using EnumList base type Ref, not working?

Hi there,

Iโ€™m working on building a CRM/Project Management app Where a โ€˜Clientโ€™ (Business) may have multiple โ€˜Contactsโ€™ (People) which they can click on to bring them to the referenced table (Contacts).

I see I can add the base type as ref and add the referenced table, however it isnโ€™t creating a deep link to the Contacts table.

any idea why?

Or perhaps there is an alternative?

0 3 1,334

Try this:
In VALID_IF property:
= Contacts[ID]

(being [ID] the contacts key)

No luck, still does not reference back to Contacts in app.


EnumList wonโ€™t get you what you want. Youโ€™ll need to Ref from the Contacts rows back to the appropriate Clients row; AppSheet itself will then automatically create and maintain a Related Contacts column in Contacts that lists each rowโ€™s contacts.

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