One To Many Relationship using EnumList base type Ref, not working?

Hi there,

I’m working on building a CRM/Project Management app Where a ‘Client’ (Business) may have multiple ‘Contacts’ (People) which they can click on to bring them to the referenced table (Contacts).

I see I can add the base type as ref and add the referenced table, however it isn’t creating a deep link to the Contacts table.

any idea why?

Or perhaps there is an alternative?

0 3 1,333

Try this:
In VALID_IF property:
= Contacts[ID]

(being [ID] the contacts key)

No luck, still does not reference back to Contacts in app.


EnumList won’t get you what you want. You’ll need to Ref from the Contacts rows back to the appropriate Clients row; AppSheet itself will then automatically create and maintain a Related Contacts column in Contacts that lists each row’s contacts.

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