December 6, 2022


Deployment Time: 1:14 PM PST

Features & enhancements

Item Description
Enhancement Additional usability improvements in AppSheet app editor (Preview)

The app editor includes navigation and app setting improvements, currently in preview, to facilitate the configuration of specific features. The navigation improvements now include a secondary navigation panel that lets you quickly scan all of your components. In addition, there are more direct links in your View component to the table, column, or action that you want to check or edit. Finally, error and warning messages are more prominently displayed in the app.

For more information, see:

This feature will be rolled out gradually. It is deployed to 50% of free users.

Feature New team setting: Restrict the recipient list for outgoing email

As part of your team settings, you can now define the outgoing email allowlist that specifies the domains or email addresses that AppSheet is allowed to send emails to. See Restrict the recipient list for outgoing email.

This feature will be rolled out gradually to AppSheet teams. It is currently deployed to 10% of AppSheet teams.

Enhancement AppSheet now flags cycle expressions as warnings

For example, if you have three virtual columns defined as follows:

A: [B]
B: [C]
C: [A]

In this scenario, there would be no way to calculate the result because each value depends on another value.

Other examples include using [_THIS] in a virtual column or [_THISROW] in a virtual column that is also a key.

AppSheet now flags these types of cycle expressions as warnings.

This enhancement will be rolled out gradually. It is currently deployed to 50% of free users.

Bug fixes

Item Description
Bug For desktop UI (preview), updated localization strings for drop-down and sync which will remove any pre-existing localizations.

Note: You must re-localize these strings for any apps that had pre-existing localization.

Bug For desktop UI (preview), there is a simpler confirm dialog presented when navigating with unsaved changes. Previously when navigating away from a form with unsaved changes in desktop mode, a confirm dialog would prompt the user to save, discard, or cancel. This change simplifies the dialog to use a more conventional two options: Discard or Continue editing.

Preview announcements

Preview feature releases enable you to try out new app features that are not yet fully supported. See Product launch stages.

  • No new preview features were released today.

What's currently available in Preview?

The following tables summarize the preview features that are currently available.

Item Description
Feature AppSheet databases (Preview)

The new AppSheet database feature is now in preview release. An AppSheet database is a first-party, native data source for organizing and managing data powering AppSheet apps. An AppSheet database provides an easy and efficient way to build data models for any AppSheet app without needing to use an external data source solution such as cloud-based spreadsheets or databases.

For more information, see:

Enhancement Navigation improvements in AppSheet app editor (Preview)

The app editor includes navigation improvements, currently in preview, to facilitate the configuration of specific features. For example, the new Settings section in the left navigation gathers together all app-wide settings and makes it more intuitive for all app creators to find these types of settings.

For more information, see:

Feature AppSheet apps for desktop users (Preview)

The new desktop design, currently in preview, is optimized for desktop browsers, presenting a more complete view of information with a consistent organization and structure. The new desktop design lets users navigate their apps more easily and access information in context, and provides an efficient way to edit existing records without losing context. The legacy desktop design, enabled by default, provides an experience similar to the mobile and tablet device.

For more information, see:

The following features require opt-in to the AppSheet preview program. The AppSheet Preview program lets app creators try out new app features that are not yet fully supported.

Item Description
Feature Table view

Table View now supports freezing the first column while scrolling horizontally. For details, see Freezing the first Column of a Table View - in Preview Program.

Feature Chart Editor

App Creators can now make use of our new chart editor and the new and improved charts it can create. Learn more.

Feature Detail views

Rich text formatting is now available in Detail views. For details, see this announcement in the community.

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Gold 4
Gold 4

@lizlynch wrote:

AppSheet now flags cycle expressions as warnings

I hope one of the scenarios covered is security filter expressions--e.g., when table A's security filter is dependent on first loading table B's rows and vice versa (either directly or circuitously via dependencies on other tables). This app creator mistake is not uncommon and the editor  currently provides no troubleshooting guidance--rather, the app simply can't be loaded.

Gold 4
Gold 4

@lizlynch wrote:

FeatureNew team setting: Restrict the recipient list for outgoing email

As part of your team settings, you can now define the outgoing email allowlist that specifies the domains or email addresses that AppSheet is allowed to send emails to. See Restrict the recipient list for outgoing email.

This feature will be rolled out gradually to AppSheet teams. It is currently deployed to 10% of AppSheet teams.


Hitting "Learn more" just bring us to the help document opening page, rather than the particular page to tell about this setting. Better to review the hyperlink.

Also on the related ducument page, it is clearly stated how to set this up to restrict the domains, but it is not useful 100% as there is no sample screenshot.

I set it up like this, I hope I m on the right track to restrict the allowed domains.

Once again, better to post the sample screenshot to guide app creators to tell exactly how to set it up.






@dbaum wrote:

I hope one of the scenarios covered is security filter expressions

Security filter expressions aren't included in this enhancement; however, we plan to flag them as well in a future release.


@Koichi_Tsuji Thank you so much for raising the issues. I've fixed the broken link and included a screenshot with a sample string. 

Thanks for always helping us maintain the quality of the product! 🙂

Gold 4
Gold 4

@lizlynch Thank you for taking quick action!

Now the documentation is crystal clear for anyone who may visit the site. Thank again.


We are going to start rolling out the cycle detection for security groups within the next few days.