Slow apps and speed problems solved!


I have had problems with slow apps etc for a long time. I have broken them up and removed slow expression etc but every so often without warning all my users would find that edits were taking hours to save to the googlesheet.


Then I noticed that my google drive storage was going into the red and below 20%. I upgraded and paid for a LOT more space. This seems to have solved the problem and my staff have actually used the word fast to descibe performance rather than slow.

I hope this helps anyone else - I wasn'tt aware that this might slow down my apps.



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@Steve can you confirm that this may slow down an app?

My hunch is that the google account has gone from free to paid and that Google somehow tweaks the speed depending on if your paying.  This might make sense, but not if its already paid and your just getting more storage.

I believe (but am not sure) that a paid AppSheet account (or perhaps just some types of paid accounts) get increased "parallelism", which would speed app load times for apps with many tables.

Yes I'm pretty sure this is true. This is what the Performance Profile shows...
In my free account: "DegreeOfParallelism":"2"
In my paid account (AppSheet Core): "DegreeOfParallelism":"3"

I am unaware of any mechanism that would affect an app's behavior when Google Drive space is low.

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