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Silver 2
Since ‎12-29-2021

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  • 156 Posts
  • 7 Solutions
  • 76 Likes given
  • 71 Likes received

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We have built a large all-in-one solution for our business that allows us to manage most aspects of our operation, but we still have a problem with errors or exceptions not being visible enough.Push notifications aren't really suitable, as they would...
Is there a way to rank n rows in a CSV import based on column values?IDWeekNameScoreRank0000017Joe Bloggs62??0000027Jane Doe71??0000037John Smith68??I need to automatically populate the [Rank] column based on the [Score] column, but the CSV is being ...
I have successfully set up GCPW for our new Windows machines (We were previously using ChromeOS for this solution without issue). We can now control the login access to the machines as intended by restricting them to the company domain.The issue I ca...
Is there a simple way to find the value in a sorted list that is closest to a sepecific value?72916In the example column above, I have selected the value on row 2, which is 2. I am trying to deciper a way to order the list, then select the next highe...
Hi guys,I simply cannot get the Google Doc email body template to behave. In the document everything looks fine, but as soon as you attempt to use that template, if there's a table in it it just behaves terribly. It seems to intefere with all the for...