Keep /Show Original Filename after Upload

Knowing that this feature has requested from multiple threads. Here am posting the concern requesting a time plan for the implmentation of the feature or a workaround for the concern.

Posts Gone through

  1. A way to determine uploaded file name
    2.Preserving Filenames
    3.Filename preservation
    4.How to determine uploaded file name and keep it in a text column
    5.When uploading a file, can we retrieve the original filename to pre-populate on the Form?

Our main requirement is to show the uploaded file name to the customer bcz throughout the workflow different user roles tend to upload different files where those will be reviewed in the latter stages.
Hence, they want to know the details of the file. Without this option available, implemented application considered as a show stopper and we in need of help to overcome this concern.

With above mention, details would like to know ,

  1. any possible workarounds to show the file name (we have uploaded it from andriod device still it doesnot retain the file name)

2.If no workarounds possible any timeframe , that this feature will be avilable.

Appreciating the Help & Support from the Community.

Status Open
5 4 471
New Member

Dear Community Team,

Can we have a reply for this

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

There is no timeline for adding this feature.

Status changed to: Open
Community Manager
Community Manager
Bronze 3
Bronze 3

Hi @Steve ,  Any change on this topic? Is there timeline for adding this feature?