August 24, 2021


Release notes: August 24, 2021

Deployment Time: 1:52 PM PST

Features & enhancements

Item Description
Feature Error banner on version conflict to prevent app creators from making changes that will be lost

Currently if you have multiple tabs open with the different app versions and you make edits to a stale version, you will lose the changes and get a versioning error. This change will let app creators know in advance that the loaded version is not the latest, allowing them to refresh before making changes that would normally be lost on Save.

Deployed to 30% of free users.

Enhancement Period (.) characters can now appear in app names

This change allows app names to include periods, such as Version 2.0.

Enhancement Implemented visual updates to Gallery view

They include visual changes to the app; no editor changes. For information, see this community post.

Enhancement Implemented visual updates for in-app filtering

For in-app filtering, the button to open the Filters drawer has been moved to the left of the chip bar for easier access and the styles of the filter chips have been updated. On wider screens/desktops, if the filter chips overflow, hovering over the chip bar shows right/left arrow buttons that will scroll to the end of the container when clicked.

Bug fixes

Item Description
Bug Fixed issues with line breaks on a tablet, as identified in this community post.
Bug Fixed issue that caused scrolling issues when there were many data sources to select from.

Rollout changes

Item Description
Feature Table view shows header for column types Color, Progress, and Yes/No

New: Deployed to 100% free users and 30% premium users.
Previous: Deployed to 100% free users.

Preview announcements

The AppSheet Preview program lets app creators try out new app features that are not yet fully supported. Learn how to participate in the AppSheet preview program for app client features.

  • No new preview features were released today.

What's currently available in the Preview program?

Item Description
Feature Table view

Table View now supports freezing the first column while scrolling horizontally. For details, see Freezing the first Column of a Table View - in Preview Program.

Feature Chart Editor

App Creators can now make use of our new chart editor and the new and improved charts it can create. Learn more.

Feature Detail views

Rich text formatting is now available in Detail views. For details, see this announcement in the community.

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